The purpose of the SafeZone-EM™, invented by Dr. George Roth, is to provide a normalizing electromagnetic field (EMF) that mimics the Earth’s own background frequencies, sometimes referred to as Schumann frequencies or resonances. The Schumann resonances(SR) are a set of peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. They are generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The SafeZone-EM™ is designed to provide a similar range of frequencies, resulting in a biocompatible electromagnetic field, which appears to counteract or mitigate the combined effects of the decline in the Earth’s naturally occurring field and the influence of EM pollution.
The device is programmed to provide a range of frequencies consistent with the naturally occurring day/night variations generated by the Earth. These biocompatible fields are similar to specific brain wave levels and thus support optimal neurological and biological physiology, providing relief from many of the symptoms associated with EHS.
SafeZone-EM Plus: Covers approx. 4,000 sq. ft.*
*Approximate protective coverage, depending on layout, construction materials and EM exposure. Contact us for recommendations to determine which device would best suit your needs.
Money Back Guarantee
If you do not experience the benefits provided by the SafeZone’s unique, protective electromagnetic field, as so many others have, simply contact us to arrange for a full refund, within 90 days of purchase.
Please note that return shipping charges will be deducted from the amount of the refund.
“Huge change for me.”
Helen experienced a lengthy battle with sinus issues and migraine headaches. The issues worsened after she moved into a condominium with increased electromagnetic exposure.
“I love my home… and now, we don’t have to move!”
Barbara was experiencing constant headaches, and nausea and both her daughter and her dog were having sleep issues and other symptoms after moving to their new home. She was informed that the electromagnetic signals from the four ‘smart’ meters attached to her townhouse, might be contributing to these issues.
“Ben is very sensitive to EMF radiation. He was having aggressive seizures 6 days per week, despite my best efforts to reduce all sources of EM pollution. Now with the SafeZone, he rarely has any seizures. This has changed our lives.”
Christie discovered that unnatural frequencies were creating serious problems for her and her son, Ben.